When starting your own business, it's crucial that you know what you want to with your brand and how you can grow your market. The idea of building a business can feel scary and even challenging and nothing is as daunting as taking the first few steps in reaching your goals. Hard work and dedication will be the foundation of any successful ice cream shop or catering business, but there are also ways that can make it easier for you in the long run. At Alcas, we guarantee that the level of...
Roberta Oddati
Recent Posts
Tops Ways to Increase Sales in Your Ice Cream Shop and Gelateria
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 7, 2020 10:25:12 AM / by Roberta Oddati posted in ice cream, business, catering, gelateria
How to Develop Your Social Media Brand
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 24, 2020 12:26:04 PM / by Roberta Oddati posted in business, social media
Marketing your business is one the most crucial factors in making it as successful as possible. Nowadays, you have to be creative with your marketing ideas for catering business or ice cream and gelateria shops. Marketing trends tends to shift with the demands and preferences of the public coupled with the advancements in modern technology that we still continue to experience. As of now, the most favored medium of marketing in this modern era is through social media platforms. Most people...
The Best Methods to Promote Catering Sales in 2020
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 17, 2020 3:25:43 PM / by Roberta Oddati posted in catering, COVID19
A lot of us expected 2020 to be a chance to start again, improve our ideas and even set up new ventures, but that isn’t the world we are living in right now. We have to come to terms and face the reality that we are living in a new sense of normalcy after the pandemic first broke out. We are faced with a new challenge that haven't been addressed in decades. This means we have to find new ways to tackle this and think of what we can do and how to make our business stand out and learn the ...
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 10, 2020 1:16:39 PM / by Roberta Oddati posted in biodegradable iteams, yeti bio
For most catering services and restaurant take-out services, the process of delivery is the most important part to ensure the quality of the food is always consistent for your customers. In an environment in the “new” normal, this will grow even more prevalent and the quality of delivery will be given more emphasis. Especially because restaurants will be highly discouraged. What you need is something that will help your business thrive especially in a largely different environment that’s...
Why Eating Ice Cream or Gelato Makes Us Happy
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 26, 2020 2:03:38 PM / by Roberta Oddati posted in ice cream, business
We all know that eating ice cream can instantly make you happy. We love to indulge ourselves in a cool creamy scoop of magic. Ice cream comes in thousands of flavors, shapes, and sizes. Scientists even discovered that your brain responds the same way to eating ice cream and listening to your favorite music or winning the lottery. They noticed that there is a direct effect on the parts of your brain that are activated when you experience pleasurable feelings. With a single bite, the...