Why Eating Ice Cream or Gelato Makes Us Happy

[fa icon="calendar"] Jun 26, 2020 2:03:38 PM / by Roberta Oddati

Roberta Oddati


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We all know that eating ice cream can instantly make you happy. We love to indulge ourselves in a cool creamy scoop of magic. Ice cream comes in thousands of flavors, shapes, and sizes. Scientists even discovered that your brain responds the same way to eating ice cream and listening to your favorite music or winning the lottery. They noticed that there is a direct effect on the parts of your brain that are activated when you experience pleasurable feelings. With a single bite, the orbitofrontal cortex at the front of the brain lit up in response.



Hera are other reasons why eating ice cream makes you happy.


Full of happy calories

Ice cream makes you more alert and research shows that the fat in the ice cream reduces the intensity of sad emotions by almost 50%. It can be compared to taking antidepressants. Also, the sugar in ice cream increases your blood sugar levels and gives you a boost of energy.


It’s all cool

One of the reasons why ice cream makes us happy is because it's cool. One study showed that eating something cold activates the same parts of our brain like listening to music. That is why we have great memories when it comes to ice cream.



Ice cream is being marketed as highly pleasurable food and is perceived as an indulgence. It is on top of our list on a hot summer day dessert or even on winter days. We usually associate ice cream with sun, family, and friends, relaxing and enjoying life. These are all emotionally meaningful memories and experiences which as also the reason why we view ice cream as comfort food.


Serving Up Smiles

To feel happy but remain healthy, it is important to enjoy your ice cream, but do not overindulge. Stick to the recommended serving size, even though it feels like you need another tub in one go. When buying in your favorite stores, you can choose to buy in bulk using a high quality ice cream tubs so that your ice cream would last. Look for a tub with an excellent thermal capacity, which is the ideal product for preservation. At Alcas, we offer Italian high quality quality tubs for your ice cream. When eating, use a small bowl rather than grabbing the whole tub most especially if you are counting your calories. You can add some protein like nuts so that the absorption of sugar will be slow and it can make your serving that much more gratifying.


Eating ice cream is a pleasurable thing that is enjoyed by the young and old. It’s cold and creamy texture will surely bring us to our won happy place with the very first bite. Make sure to stock up on your favorite ice cream and the next time you are feeling blue, turn to a single serving of this magical stuff and be on your way to feeling better in no time.




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Topics: ice cream, business

Roberta Oddati

Written by Roberta Oddati

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