Summer is just around the corner and what better way to celebrate it than treating ourselves with some frozen yogurt? A combination of yogurt and our favorite fruits and other flavors fused into a single frozen delight. But don’t you just hate it when your froyo has a weird texture or it's a little less creamy than it should be? Well, read on and you might just have yourself some handy tips on how to improve the texture of your frozen yogurt.
How to Improve the Texture of Your Frozen Yogurt
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 24, 2017 12:49:59 PM / by Roberta Oddati posted in frozen yogurt
How do we differentiate ice cream from sorbet and frozen yogurt?
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 20, 2017 11:20:18 AM / by Roberta Oddati posted in ice cream, frozen yogurt, sorbet
Are you one of those people who rely on sweets, or ice cream, after a long, stressful day? Or do you just enjoy ice cream on a hot, summer day? Either way, ice cream lovers just love to eat ice cream because of the excitement and good moments it brings. But as the world evolves, so do ice cream alternatives, such as sorbet and frozen yogurt. So how do we differentiate ice cream from sorbet and frozen yogurt? Read on to find out.