Top Reasons Why You Need to Keep Your Ice Cream Parlor Open for Winter

[fa icon="calendar"] Nov 13, 2017 2:33:57 PM / by Roberta Oddati

Roberta Oddati




Snow is slowly starting to drizzle as it accumulates in your driveway. It’s beginning to get cold outside as the winter approaches, and you can’t even go for a quick drive because of the slippery road. Although the Christmas season is nearing, we can't ignore the cold weather, snowstorms and the chilling feeling hanging in the winter air. As an owner of an ice cream parlor, the ultimate question would be, will you keep your ice cream shop open during this winter season?



Below is a list of the top reasons why you need to keep your ice cream parlor open for winter.


1. Location

This may seem to be a no-brainer, but your location says a lot in your decision whether to keep your ice cream parlor open or not during the winter. If your shop is located in regions like California or Florida and other warm states, then it would be worth your money and your time to keep your ice cream shop open. After all, we always hear that it feels like summer all year in these places. Summertime will never be complete without a serving of ice cream, right?


LEARN MORE: Marketing Tips for Ice Cream Parlors


2. ‘Tis the season to party

We can't deny that winter season where the holidays fall is really a time for party and celebration. Many families go on reunions, friends get together to catch up, workmates conduct exchange gifts and couples spend time together to take advantage of the holidays. This is why you may think twice on whether to close your ice cream shop during winter. Some families may want to go to your ice cream shop to celebrate. They don’t actually pick a season when it comes to eating ice cream. A group of friends or workmates might also want to spend time at your ice cream parlor because of your cozy ambiance or mainly because of the delicious autumn ice cream flavors that you offer. Lastly, you might want to avoid closing your shop this winter to avoid having your usual customers forget about you and your products.

3. Leasing requirements

If you’re a business owner and you don’t own the space where your establishment is located, you might consider keeping your ice cream shop open for winter because regardless if your operation is ongoing or not, your contract dictates that you still need to pay the rent. Because of this, you might consider opening your shop this winter to be able to gain possible sales to keep up with the rent. You can also be creative in the products you sell and consider other food items to sell during winter like a few kinds of hot beverages, like delicious hot coffee and hot chocolate.



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Topics: ice cream, business, holiday season, ice cream parlor

Roberta Oddati

Written by Roberta Oddati

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