Having a coffee shop does not mean brewing coffee all day. Owning the best coffee shop in America consists of being aware of the latest trends like gourmet coffee and healthy treats. Most importantly, it's also about being aware of the key strategies that have been proven to boost revenue. There is also a need to stand out, attract new customers, and keep the old ones coming back time after time. That is why there are existing strategies on how to maximize revenue at a coffee shop.
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 4, 2018 4:15:39 PM / by Roberta Oddati posted in business, coffee, marketing tips, coffee shop
Fun Marketing Ideas for a Coffee Shop
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 12, 2018 2:44:02 PM / by Roberta Oddati posted in business, marketing tips, coffee shop
Do you remember the Death Wish Coffee ad during the Super Bowl 50? The 30 second commercial of vikings on a ship made a huge impact for this small coffee shop who made the most out of their Super Bowl moment. Mike Brown, the owner of the coffee roaster said that the marketing campaign resulted in a 20x increase in sales in the weeks after the Super Bowl. This type of big-budget and high-gloss marketing campaign is not common in the coffee world. As a matter of fact, Death Wish would not...