Serving Alcohol in Your Catering Business

Apr 16, 2018 12:47:55 PM / by Roberta Oddati

Roberta Oddati


Serving Alcohol in Your Catering Business


Alcohol is considered as one of the most common causes of car accidents, yet it's one of the most consumed drinks out there. We can't ignore the high demand for it and the potential revenue it can generate in your catering business. Alcohol is a staple drink, especially for parties and weddings. 



Alcohol also comes with high risks that you must consider before adding it to your menu. You can’t just serve it as much as the client demands. Unlike food, alcohol has different effects on the body that may lead to unpredictable and uncomfortable decisions from your intoxicated guests.


Before you make any solid decisions as to considering serving alcoholic drinks, you should consider some factors first. Read our blog for a guide on considering serving alcohol in your catering business.



The set up for providing alcoholic drinks should be concise and solid. First impressions matter in catering, so you should know how you’re going to serve the alcohol. A vague bottle service method will leave your guests confused and disappointed. This means knowing the difference between a cash bar and open bar. You should also know what kinds of beverages you’ll be serving and how to effectively pair it with your menu choices. A good pairing can potentially elevate the guest's dining experience.






Alcoholic beverages can be a bit costly at times, which means that you can't have extra liquor just laying around. Most alcoholic drinks have a very long lifespan when chilled, especially wine. Your liquor stock should reflect how many guests you estimate will drink on a regular day, and even more so during events and weddings. The alcohol selection should also complement the tastes of your general guests. You may have the most expensive or the most unique liquors but if no one is interested then you lose more than you gain.




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This is possibly the biggest factor that can affect liquor sales. The pricing can determine revenue and sales for establishing an alcohol selection. After establishing a serving method between a cash bar or an open bar, define how patrons will pay (or receive) their drinks. The price range should also reflect the kind of guests you serve. 







The biggest risk alcohol brings is intoxication. No matter how successful your catering event is, there will be times that some guests may have one too many drinks. You and your team should have a plan on how to prevent drunk guests from ruining your event. The waiters, servers or/and bartenders should be aware of the signs when someone has had enough to drink and be able to politely cut them off. You should also consider hiring more persuasive security to handle intoxicated guests.

All in all, serving alcohol is a bit of trial and error. These are some of the important factors that can help the addition of liquor onto your menu.



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Topics: business, catering

Roberta Oddati

Written by Roberta Oddati

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