You know you’ve been praised before by friends as to how passionate you are in the kitchen. You’re the one your family relies whenever there’s a big event to prepare only the best dishes. So why not turn all that passion and excess energy into sustainable income. Have you ever thought about opening your own catering business? It’s a win-win deal because you will be doing something you really love and make it a business for you and your family.
Check out these tips on how to run a successful home based catering business:
We know it may seem daunting to start a business of your own, especially if this is your first time being your own boss. We can give you all the necessary tips and tricks on how to run a successful catering business but there is no plan that will guarantee you success in the long run. The success in a business like this all boils down to your own dedication. So you won’t be overwhelmed with all the planning, you can start small with simple catering events independently or with a basic staff to help you out. The early short-term goal here is to build a name for your catering services.
Advantages of Home-Based Catering:
• You have full control of the operations schedule. This means that you can decide on whether to open only 3 times a week and then develop to fulltime as your clientele increases.
• It’s a great starting platform for amateur chefs.
• The concept of personal advertisement and quick feedback. Since most of the time you're there with the client, you will have the chance to engage with the clients directly.
• You can grow the business at your preferred pace. This reduces the risk of being overwhelmed and foster stable working health.
Disadvantages of Home-Based Catering:
• Quality will always be the basis. Poor service and bad cooking can hurt your business reputation.
• The expectations and claims of your clientele can be overly exaggerated at times and others are simply uncooperative.
• Planning is crucial. The customers will expect smooth service without delays. Any hitch in the catering may lead to questioning your credibility.
• Liability is all on you. The possibility of food poisoning, delayed catering service or even failure to meet the customer’s demands is not on the shoulders of your cooks, waiters or even deliver service but on you and you alone
The Requirements of a Successful Catering Business:
You may have already decided that you do want to run a home-based catering service. But there are certain things you have to settle to make sure things go smoothly.
• You need to stand on a specific identity as to what type of catering service you are. You have to decide whether you’re a general type of catering service or a specialized one focusing on a theme or trend (e.g. Japanese cuisine, cocktail party caterer, birthday parties)
• The method of cooking should be clear. Are you the delivery-catering service that cooks at home then delivers or on-site caterers?
• Establish a stable business structure. You can’t start a business without a name for it.
• Lastly and most important of all, the essential catering supplies like cooking utensils, delivery equipment and ingredients should be gathered thoroughly. They should meet state rule standards, be practical in use, and affordable. You should always itemize and update them too.
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