Interesting Facts About Gelato from Gelato University

[fa icon="calendar"] Jun 23, 2017 4:08:31 PM / by Roberta Oddati

Roberta Oddati




There's a difference between gelato and ice cream. Gelato has less fat than ice cream because it uses uses more milk than cream.  Many first –time tasters of gelato usually think it's the same as ice cream, but if you dig deeper into their characteristics, you will understand that it is not.



If you ever find yourself in the Carpigiani Gelato University, you will meet Luciano Ferrari. He is an excellent teacher who has all the knowledge about the history of gelato, its true definition and how to make delicious gelato.


Here are a few interesting facts about gelato from Gelato University.

  1. Gelato is not ice cream. Gelato is either made with water or milk. If water, you call it sorbetto.

  2. Gelato contains far lesser fat compared to ice cream. Gelato’s fat content ranges from 0% to 8% at the maximum of 10%, while ice cream’s fat ranges from 10% to 18% and sometimes up to 30%.

  3. The USA is the biggest consumer of ice cream in the world. Statistics shows that 5 gallons of ice cream are consumed by an individual American citizen in a yearly basis. It also appears that American consumes 26 liters of ice cream in a year.

  4. Gelato is served several degrees warmer than ice cream. This is the reason why the flavor floods your palate immediately, and why many people easily fall in love with gelato.

  5. Texture is the major secret of gelato. It’s not by chance you’ll achieve the exact texture of gelato. How dense and smooth it is are both achieved through proper balance of ingredients.

  6. Using the most modern machines, a batch of gelato is made only in 10 short minutes. After 5 minutes in a shock freezer, gelato is ready to serve. You usually call the small machine maker as “Maestro”, right? In Carpigiani, they don’t have a consumer version for making gelato.

  7. You can now choose your gelato’s level of sweetness. Yes, it’s now possible to have more or less sugar in your gelato. If you wish to have small ice crystals to achieve gelato’s characteristic texture, combine regular sugar with other sugars, including dextrose. You don’t do it by simply adding less sugar. It’s a common mistake of gelato-makers at home.

  8. Did you know that you can find the best gelato in Italy? This is where you will find the most gelaterias too. If you measure the size of Italy, it’s just as big as Arizona, but can you believe that Italy has a total of 39,000 gelato shops? USA only has 900.

  9. Lactose intolerance? The trend to that is non-fruit sorbetto. On your list are hazelnut, chocalte and pistachio.

Many have fallen into the wrong notion that gelato is a variation of ice cream, but the facts above prove that it is not. Though the appearance is a bit tricky, you can tell the difference in just one spoonful!

Gelato is dense, smooth and creamy. You would be surprised that the creaminess is caused by the milk and not cream. Taste the different delicious gelato summer flavors such as: banana, blueberry or mixed berry, mint chocolate chip and the marvelous tiramisu.



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Topics: gelato, dessert

Roberta Oddati

Written by Roberta Oddati

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