The catering world is highly competitive, and most want to stand above the rest. Only the best come out fighting and only the most resilient survive in this world. Your plan should be how you can stand out from the rest of the competition and how you can make an identity only unique to you. How can customers remember you more and how can they come back to your business again? A lot of people will say it’s not easy, and they’re right, but there are things you can do to stand put of the...
Roberta Oddati
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How to Beat the Competition this Busy Summer Season
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 23, 2018 2:57:04 PM / by Roberta Oddati posted in business, catering, summer
How to Price Your Catering Menu
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 17, 2018 2:18:31 PM / by Roberta Oddati posted in business, catering
One of the biggest tasks when it comes to opening a catering business is setting the price for the menu. These prices should cover the money spent on food as well as the cost of labor, time and travel. By setting the right prices, it enables your business to turn a profit while also competing with the competition. Pricing is very critical in any business mainly because this is the first thing customers look into in their purchasing decisions.
Tips to Grow Your Catering Business this Summer
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 9, 2018 2:52:50 PM / by Roberta Oddati posted in business, catering, summer
Maybe you love cooking, that’s the reason why you have decided to start a catering business. You did your research and it showed that the catering business is a $7 billion per year industry nationwide with a lot of room for new businesses and great growth for existing ones. However, it also showed that the number one attribute that can make or break a catering business is experience. Sounds scary, right?
Best Techniques in Employing for Your Ice Cream Parlor
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 6, 2018 1:06:07 PM / by Roberta Oddati posted in ice cream, business
The ice cream business is one of the most lucrative ventures out there and hiring the necessary staff and crew can be very daunting. There really is no strict protocols to follow as almost anyone can operate an ice cream machine with the proper training and it isn’t that hard to serve customers. The problem is knowing how to distinguish winning employees and how to keep them.
Important Food Safety Precautions in the Catering Industry
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 2, 2018 2:35:53 PM / by Roberta Oddati posted in business, catering
The food industry can be very strict, especially when conforming to the standards. Customers expect you to deliver service at the best quality possible. The most important factor here is the food itself and how safe it is to consume. Health inspections are done for a reason: not only safeguard the customer’s well-being but also to save your brand name. Read our blog to learn important food safety precautions in the catering industry.