Tips to Launch Your Catering Business in 2019

[fa icon="calendar"] Mar 8, 2019 12:48:10 PM / by Roberta Oddati

Roberta Oddati


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One of the most high demand businesses to date is the catering business. It has remained consistent even with all the changing trends within the business industry. If the catering business did fairly well last year, it will be even more prominent this 2019. It is expected to keep growing as preference for events rises. It is becoming one of the most lucrative business ventures to date. This is why starting your very own catering business can be a potentially fruitful means of income and growth. The challenge is how you plan to actually set it up, what you should account for and what techniques or strategies should you be aware of when running a catering business. Anyone can put up a simple catering business but it takes real dedication to make it grow and succeed.



Business Plan

Any great endeavor should often start with the planning and drawing. This not only guides you on what you are trying to build but also prepares you for the unexpected both financially and mentally. Your business plan should include the food served, your theme or specialty and the overall marketing strategy. These are some of the most basic factors you should consider. It should also include how you’ll research about your business. This means scouting your competition and target audience and also even to checking the surrounding environment. It would also ease the challenge of planning if you could ask help from professionals



There are already a lot of catering businesses out there and especially the general catering ones. This is why you should decide what services you’re actually going to provide. You should be aware of the trend of food there is right now and possibly base it around that, like opting for healthy foods. You should also be aware of your demographic and target audience so you’ll get the general idea of their preferences. It can be also beneficial to do a bit more market research prior to deciding on your menu. It can help narrow down your choice of identity with your business. What you want is to stand above the rest by showcasing that you’re not just another generic catering business.



A menu’s pricing is actually very crucial. A price that’s too high would damage the client relationship and discourage him to even try your catering service. A price that’s too low would also risk your business’s income. You can start by listing everything you plan to have on your menu, how much the overall ingredient costs are and how much the manpower is needed to deliver it. You should do some research of the general pricing between your competition. Their price range can be your starting basis for your own menu. You can assess and work around how much they charge their own customers and decide if lowering or raising your own charges can help start a stable and working finance system.


Starting a catering business may look daunting but with the right mindset and set of tools, it can be a very rewarding and lucrative business. It all boils down to how dedicated you are in taking the time and effort to do all the planning and research for your business venture.





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Topics: business, catering

Roberta Oddati

Written by Roberta Oddati

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