Producing The Best Catering Customer Service

[fa icon="calendar"] Apr 5, 2019 11:13:35 AM / by Roberta Oddati

Roberta Oddati


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Any business expects good quality customer service but the catering business is a cutthroat environment, and people demand only the best from their preferred catering service. It is a vital class of instruction that employees and management should follow and adhere to. It can also become a challenge when there are also guests or clients that expect to be treated in specific ways. Your employees need to know how to meet those expectations to a point that your clients can be content with. You and your employees should be aware of the best strategies that can help produce the best catering service you can.




The most obvious and common way to build good customer service is formal training. The fact is that there are already a wide variety of service training that you can choose from. You should start with specific basics for your employees so they can easily apply their training to their work. If you cater more to upscale dining, you can train your employees on how to properly serve the food and how to quickly bus tables. When they already have high expertise on the basics, you can also start to broaden their skills and opt to give them broader trainings. The more they know, the more efficient and flexible they can be to all customer expectations and demands.



Stress Management

Stress itself is a double edged sword. It may directly affect your employees but it can also impact the guests or customers when they cater to them as effectively as expected. Stress can be debilitating and can affect everything from quality of work to even business relationships. This is why stress management training is crucial. It can help your employees empower themselves and be adept in handling all forms of stress. It can also be highly beneficial for your business as well-trained employees will be able to effectively diffuse high stress situations with guests and be able to calm them down.



Customer Feedback

The best way to assess if your customer service and actually doing well is by gauging your customers’ overall experience. Feedback is an effective tool for assessment and improvement. It helps determine where you stand as a catering business and what you can possibly change and improve in your system. You can provide clients with anonymous comment cards to help them put experiences into words or even setup online surveys to make it easier and faster for them. All in all, it can help grow your business and enhance your customer service skills for the long haul.




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Topics: catering

Roberta Oddati

Written by Roberta Oddati

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