Prepare Your Ice Cream Shop for the Winter

[fa icon="calendar"] Nov 9, 2018 12:33:21 PM / by Roberta Oddati

Roberta Oddati


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Everyone loves ice cream. But for ice cream shop owners, we deny it’s a seasonal treat in all essence. Winter is one of the most dreaded time of the year for ice cream business owners.



This can be seen in the name itself with “ice” cream. Not a lot of people will be interested in consuming frozen delights when they’re too busy trying to stay toasty warm and avoid unnecessary frostbite. Ice cream will always be a staple treat for the heat and in summer as customers flock voluntarily to you rather than the other way around. This is the challenge for all ice cream shop owners out there during the cold season and the proper planning can help reduce loss and keep your revenue afloat during this seasonal sales slump. We have some of the ways how to maintain a steady flow of revenue even when the weather can turn colder than your ice cream.



Point of Sale

This is one of the most underrated factors for business that most people actually miss out on. An effective order and payment making system will potentially boost your customers’ overall satisfaction and even help you budget and adjust your sales. This can be done possibly through shortening the waiting lines and keeping track of your inventory. This not only deciding on improving just the work system but also choosing upgrading your business with the right technology. A good transaction system with the best fit technology can go a long way.




Whether you like it or not, you need to consider adjusting your price range when winter finally comes. It may feel like you’ll be losing revenue when you do try this but consider how you’ll lose even more revenue if people don’t even come at all. The fact is that most people will be hesitant to buy ice cream with a high a price. This means taking feedback from the customers themselves and listening to their complaints. You could potentially gather important data like what flavors are the most preferred and how much is an affordable ice cream in their point of view. Your goal during the cold season is not to make a quick buck but to endure through it and remain consistent with your revenue.




The most important factor is your customer and the most effective plan to survive through winter is to bank on those customers. This means you should be diligent enough to build trust and strong loyalty with your customers. You will need consistency during the cold season and a loyal customer base should help keep you afloat during those times. You can also raise loyalty incentives by properly planning your business discounts and promos. This means creating loyalty cards, selling seasonal gift cards and even e-mail signup incentives. You should do your best to build a large loyal customer during the summer season as it will get much harder as the seasons change.





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Topics: ice cream, business

Roberta Oddati

Written by Roberta Oddati

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