How to Have the Best Website for Your Catering Business

[fa icon="calendar"] Oct 15, 2021 4:29:30 PM / by Roberta Oddati

Roberta Oddati


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It is important to note that your money should be making you more money, instead of costing you money. You should understand the purpose of a good website; it should be to increase revenue, create strong relationships with your audience, and promote brand awareness.



In every business, increasing revenue will always be a top priority. A website can help you attract customers who are eager to rent your venue, purchase your catering service, and probably a whole lot more. You just need to have the right website.


One way to increase revenue is by building a solid relationship with your current and future customers. To do this, you need to market your brand through multiple channels. You can also promote your brand through social media, ads, and word-of-mouth as it will bring awareness to your business in multiple directions. Soon enough, they will be able to see that you are a reliable expert and they will most likely buy from you.


Here are five questions you can ask yourself before rolling out your website.


1. Is my website attractive and up-to-date?

There is nothing more worse than going into a business’s website just to see their outdated photos, offers, and posts. This can only mean two things: one, you are implying that you are out of business, and two, you simply don’t care enough to update your information. Either way, this is bad for business.


2. Is my website mobile-friendly?

Mobile is the way to go right now. This means that e-commerce should do the same. Your website should have the ability to fit into mobile browsing. Make sure that your website is easily navigable on phones, tablets, and other smart devices. 


3. Is my website too wordy?

Wordy can mean having complex vocabulary or using too many words to say something. You need to be able to get your point across as efficiently and concisely as possible. Shrink those sentences, condense those phrases, and always adopt the “less is more” mindset. Remember that attention spans are shorter than ever before, so if your website is full of unnecessary content, customers may get bored and run away from your website.


4. Is my website easy to navigate?

Customers usually visit the website after viewing the business’ promotions on social media and other corners of the web so you need to make sure that your website links work. Broken links and empty pages prevent further engagement between you and a prospect, leaving your sales at a standstill.


5. Does my website encourage email opt-ins?

People check their emails everyday. That is why newsletters are a great way to increase revenue because it keeps you in the forefront of customers’ minds. Some people will click on a website and love it, but it may become irrelevant and forgotten after a few days. The remedy is to do a consistent newsletter to remind customers of who you are and build a trusting relationship between you and them.




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Topics: catering

Roberta Oddati

Written by Roberta Oddati

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