4 Simple Winter-Friendly Catering Ideas

[fa icon="calendar"] Jan 19, 2023 4:21:08 PM / by Roberta Oddati

Roberta Oddati


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The winter season is definitely the season for rich and warming comfort food. However, you will also see a drop in customers because of the low temperature outside. If you are a catering business, you need to find ways to draw people and put a smile on their faces.



If you want to take advantage of this season to experiment, then you might want to check out these winter-friendly foods to add to your menu.


  1. Oats

Winter season can bring with it a whole host of illnesses and health complaints. If you want to help customers feel their best shape by adding oats to your menu. This is because of the many health benefits of eating oats. They are jam-packed with dietary fiber and energy-boosting B vitamins and magnesium and help balance blood glucose levels while supporting friendly bacteria in the gut and even controlling cholesterol levels.

Aside from that, oats are also very versatile. You can add it to biscuits, snack bars, and smoothies. Or you can make your own version.


  1. Kale

Eating healthy food is a common cry heard around family dinner tables up and down the country in the winter months. Dark leafy vegetables like kale are at their best at this time of the year, which is why it is highly recommended by nutritionists as part of a winter diet.

Since kale isn’t a usual favorite, what you can do is add it to the dishes such as warming soups, super smoothies, or delicious salads without anyone noticing a difference in flavor. You can also combine the nutritional goodness of kale with other winter-time favorites like sweet potatoes, parsnips, or carrots.


  1. Oily fish

Nutritionists suggest that we should eat at least two portions of fish a week, including oily fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel as they have important anti-inflammatory, omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain lots of delicious protein, healthy fats, potassium, selenium, and B vitamins. Most importantly, they are a good source of vitamin D, which is essential during the dark winter months.

Given the health benefits, you can look for fish recipes for your catering so you can offer them to your clients. You can either bake, steam, or grill the fish rather than fry it. Try out different recipes so you can offer different dishes to them.


  1. Cinnamon and Ginger

Spices like cinnamon and ginger are commonly used in other areas like Asian cuisines, but they can also be used to provide a warming winter glow to a lot of foods and drinks. It adds flavor to a range of dishes while brimming with health benefits. You can easily add these spices to baked dishes and pastries, sprinkled into sauces or soups, or added to smoothies for a healthy boost. If you are running a catering service during the winter season, chances are, clients will request mocktails and cocktails which you can easily adapt for a seasonal special. You can get as creative as you like while staying true to your catering’s image.





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Topics: catering, winter

Roberta Oddati

Written by Roberta Oddati

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