The Best Appetizers for a Catering Event

[fa icon="calendar"] Apr 20, 2018 12:24:13 PM / by Roberta Oddati

Roberta Oddati


The Best Appetizers for a Catering Event


As with any ambitious catering or restaurant out there, your goal is to have a successful catering event and leave guests satisfied. You want to leave so much of an good first impression that they can't help but share their experience with friends and family. A satisfied client will most likely come back and possibly bring their friends along.





A full course meal entails that you have an inviting appetizer, an unforgettable main dish and a heavenly dessert. The tricky part is how to start off your guests. An appetizer is like the trailer before the movie or the synopsis you find at the back of a book. It should catch the interest of your guests and prepare them for the flavor journey you're dropping on them.


These are some of the best appetizers for a catering event.




The Mundane turned Classy

A very simple daily life snack turned into Michelin-guided serve. It's quick, easy cost-effective. You take some thick-cut potato chips, top them with smoked high-quality fish, preferably salmon or tuna, a bit of cremé and sprinkle with chives. It's a unique and very satisfying appetizer when served in a high-quality and trendy cup.


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Lily Cup



Vegan's Cup

A common meal staple is the salad. Almost every restaurant or catering serves different varieties of salads. The challenge is how your salad is going to make your catering company stand out from the rest. Appetizers are usually something simple to eat, light to the stomach and compact to the point it can be even mistaken as finger foods. You can combine the two and create a delicious and easy-to-eat salad. Don't forget to add your pre-set greens, croutons and top it off with a dressing of choice. It's a fresh and quirky take on a classic favorite. The most challenging part of the salad is deciding where and how to serve it. With Alcas' Glamour plates, worry no more! Alcas' Glamour Collection is an original and poly-hedrical shape that will make shine your creations. 


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Load It Up

It's no secret that finger food tastes even more delicious. A childhood favorite and a go-to appetizer is french fries. That's the catch there, though. Almost every restaurant and fast food chain serves fries in one form or another. Why not elevate yours and load up your fries. You start with your fries base, preferably fresh and organic, and fry it to the best state possible. Then you can add some chopped bacon bits, diced chives, top it off with some quality melted cheese and mix it to your heart's content. There you have your loaded fries. An appetizer so sinfully delicious, it leaves you wanting more.


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Topics: business, catering

Roberta Oddati

Written by Roberta Oddati

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